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Traduction (français > anglais)

They are hundreds in Europe to have selected as the landing runway and water bodies.
They are a wonderful partnership between the:
- Airspace
A great track-materialized by the water
-The pleasure of being at the water's edge, often with the family.

They find the advantage of safety, because the waters are a relatively little used, or the situation is slowly changing.

This allows them to always find an axis-free approach to land or take off safely.

They like to sail a boat as their model, and are always amazed when after the power increase, their ships fly, free above the water ....

Half of these have simply adapted hydravionneurs floats on a current model.
Very few of them have chosen to model a special reproduction of the existing model as much as possible, those are the designers,
Less than a hundred of them have chosen to make special models to achieve their aerobatics programs accurately.
The engine is now (2010) to 90% in electricity, which clears the negative aspect related to the business model aircraft seaplane.

All these fans of hydro, meet regularly for over thirty years at international events across Europe.

Some of these events are organized every year without fault.

Each year a calendar is jointly developed through exchanges between leaders of each country.

The largest group in number are our friends the Germans, Czechs and Swiss. The Italians, French, Austrians, and others are less present.

The European meetings are:
Each year:
-European Cup
_Czech meeting in Prague
-Meeting Lugano
-Meeting Haguenau
-Meeting in Hamburg